The SPASE descriptor may be incomplete but it must be valid XML
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Information icons
- A freetext input box. Hover over for a description, click for an example of text input.
- A complex input field, where subfields will be input at a future step after clicking the "Next" button. Hover over the to see a list of the required and optional subfields of the complex field.
The currently recognized SPASE authorities are: ASWS, CCMC, CNES, CSA, CSSDP, DLR, ESA, GBO, GMU, INAF, INSU, ISWI, IUGONET, JAXA, KASI, KSB-ROB, NASA, NOAA, NSF, SMWG, UOULU. If you would like to add a naming authority to the system, please contact the email above.
(Sample text is in bold. The editor will automatically generate the field names in angle brackets.)
Sample Description Content
<Description>The Solar Wind Electron, Proton, and Alpha Monitor (SWEPAM) instrument sensors measure solar wind electrons at 1 - 900 eV energy and ions at 0.26 - 35 keV. The instrument consists of separate electron and ion analyzers originally built as spares for the Ulysses mission. The two sensors both utilizes curved-plate electrostatic analyzers (ESAs) consisting of spherical sections cut into sectors. Biased channel electron multipliers (CEMS) are spaced along the exit apertures of the ESAs for ion and e...</Description>
(Sample text is in bold. The editor will automatically generate the field names in angle brackets.)