The SPASE descriptor may be incomplete but it must be valid XML
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Information icons
- A freetext input box. Hover over for a description, click for an example of text input.
- A complex input field, where subfields will be input at a future step after clicking the "Next" button. Hover over the to see a list of the required and optional subfields of the complex field.
The currently recognized SPASE authorities are: ASWS, CCMC, CNES, CSA, CSSDP, DLR, ESA, GBO, GMU, INAF, INSU, ISWI, IUGONET, JAXA, KASI, KSB-ROB, NASA, NOAA, NSF, SMWG, UOULU. If you would like to add a naming authority to the system, please contact the email above.
(Sample text is in bold. The editor will automatically generate the field names in angle brackets.)
Sample Description Content
<Description>This dataset contains 30 s duration survey spectrogram plots from the WBD instrument on the Cluster spacecraft. The spectrograms are created by 1024 point FFTs and plotted with frequency on the vertical axis, increasing time on the horizontal, and color indicating power spectral density, in relative dB. The AC electric field data are obtained by using one of the two 88m spin plane electric field antennas of the EFW instrument as a sensor. The AC magnetic field data are obtained by using one of t...</Description>
(Sample text is in bold. The editor will automatically generate the field names in angle brackets.)
Sample Acknowledgement Content
<Acknowledgement>Users please acknowledge Jolene S. Pickett, PI and Donald A. Gurnett, Co-I University of Iowa for making these dynamic spectrograms available.</Acknowledgement>
(Sample text is in bold. The editor will automatically generate the field names in angle brackets.)
(Sample text is in bold. The editor will automatically generate the field names in angle brackets.)
Sample AccessDirectoryTemplate Content
No example found
Sample AccessFilenameTemplate Content
No example found
Sample Acknowledgement Content
<Acknowledgement>Users please acknowledge Jolene S. Pickett, PI and Donald A. Gurnett, Co-I University of Iowa for making these dynamic spectrograms available.</Acknowledgement>
(Sample text is in bold. The editor will automatically generate the field names in angle brackets.)
Sample Name Content
<Name>Cluster WBD High Time Resolution Dynamic Spectrogram Plots</Name>
(Sample text is in bold. The editor will automatically generate the field names in angle brackets.)
(Sample text is in bold. The editor will automatically generate the field names in angle brackets.)
Sample ProductKey Content
(Sample text is in bold. The editor will automatically generate the field names in angle brackets.)
Sample Description Content
<Description>Repository of WBD dynamic spectrogram images at University of Iowa, containing a directory listing to individual images.</Description>
(Sample text is in bold. The editor will automatically generate the field names in angle brackets.)
Sample Language Content
(Sample text is in bold. The editor will automatically generate the field names in angle brackets.)
Sample Cadence Content
(Sample text is in bold. The editor will automatically generate the field names in angle brackets.)
Sample CadenceMin Content
No example found
Sample CadenceMax Content
No example found
Sample Exposure Content
No example found
Sample ExposureMin Content
No example found
Sample ExposureMax Content
No example found
Sample StartDate Content
(Sample text is in bold. The editor will automatically generate the field names in angle brackets.)
Sample StopDate Content
(Sample text is in bold. The editor will automatically generate the field names in angle brackets.)
Sample RelativeStopDate Content
(Sample text is in bold. The editor will automatically generate the field names in angle brackets.)
Sample Note Content
<Note>The complete list of events collected by Alysha Reinard</Note>
(Sample text is in bold. The editor will automatically generate the field names in angle brackets.)
Sample Name Content
<Name>Relative Intensity</Name>
(Sample text is in bold. The editor will automatically generate the field names in angle brackets.)
Sample Set Content
<Set>This parameter is in the set of parameters that depends on the CDF column with the Parameter Key, EPOCH, to specify the Time of Observation. EPOCH Catalog Description (CATDESC): Data Quality for Ex components (0 = OK, 1 = clipped or questionable).</Set>
(Sample text is in bold. The editor will automatically generate the field names in angle brackets.)
Sample ParameterKey Content
(Sample text is in bold. The editor will automatically generate the field names in angle brackets.)
Sample Description Content
<Description>Both electric and magnetic field data are presented together in decibels</Description>
(Sample text is in bold. The editor will automatically generate the field names in angle brackets.)
Sample UCD Content
No example found
Sample Caveats Content
<Caveats>The ions are assumed to be protons</Caveats>
(Sample text is in bold. The editor will automatically generate the field names in angle brackets.)
Sample Cadence Content
(Sample text is in bold. The editor will automatically generate the field names in angle brackets.)
Sample CadenceMin Content
No example found
Sample CadenceMax Content
No example found
Sample Units Content
(Sample text is in bold. The editor will automatically generate the field names in angle brackets.)